RiverReports Pro












Launching RiverReports Pro

For those of you going pro in something other than sports.


Today we're launching RiverReports Pro, a premium offering that compliments our free service. Pro users are able to use the site ad-free for $1 / month. If you're interested, you can subscribe here.

Want RiverReports Pro but don't want to pay yourself? Try out the Mom Button (NOTE: also supports non-Mom based interactions).


The idea for RiverReports came about 4-5 years ago. It's no secret that using sites like USGS and DWR is no fun. We thought that given the importance of flows for planning a fishing trip, it sure would be nice to have an easy way to check these flows in one place. So with this insight, we did nothing about it.

Fast forward to November 2020. The dark times. With the days short and social diversions limited, we decided to put together a site. The original prototype really wasn't that much different from the site you're using right now. It got good enough feedback (or maybe we were just bored enough) that we purchased the domain riverreports.com from some dude in Denmark–thanks Øjvin!

Within months, dozens of people who weren't our moms were visiting the site monthly. Overnight success had been achieved!


Fast forward again, this time 2 years. The site had steadily grown. Month over month and year over year growth was steady. We're still not entirely sure how the word got out. But our best guess is that it's some combiation of:

  1. SEO
  2. Word of mouth
  3. The stickers we occacssionally remember to put up

A sticker in the wild.

Whatever the case, people were beginning to find the site and (most importantly) repeatedly use the site. As a result our monthly usage continued to grow. This year something happened (again not quite sure why) but the end result is that over the summer we had just over 100,000 users.

Traffic spiked in 2023.

In addition, you might've seen us around on other sites. The Ugly Bug (Casper, WY), Mountain Angler (Breckenridge, CO) and most notably The Orvis Company (Manchester, VT) have all started using our embeddable charts. They're free to use, customizable, and (if I do say so) they look a heck of a lot better than the USGS flows. We also provide charts for flows that don't actually have publicly available charts (i.e. the North Platte in Wyoming).

An embedded chart in all its glory.

Introducing Pro

So why all this history? Well in order to support adding more locations, building more cool stuff like the embeddable charts, and continuing to provide a fast, reliable site we're introducing the Pro version.

Here's the specs on Pro:

  • Ad-free site
  • $1 / month
  • Comes with stickers

It makes a great gift. So if you don't actually want to pay for it yourself, click the Mom Button below.


We hope that you subscribe to the Pro tier. If not, no worries, the site will continue to function as normal for you. You just might see some ads from time to time. Thanks for reading.

Copyright © 2024 RiverReports, Inc..